For Your Free Consultation Contact John

As each individual client will have different goals, I will create a unique one-to-one home exercise plan for you. After our initial consultation, I will devise an exercise programme that will be specifically tailored to suit your needs to help you achieve your health and fitness goals.This exercise program is carefully designed to achieve maximum results based around what your body will respond to.

Contact Us


    Fitness to me is not only an occupation; it’s a huge part of my lifestyle and one of my biggest passions. At 23 years old, I retired from the world of dance after qualifying at world class competition level. From then, I moved into the fitness industry and qualified as an Aerobics instructor, taking classes with up to 100 participants. During that time, I qualified with the YMCA and the RSA (Royal Society of Arts).

    As well as Aerobics, I have taught a large selection of group classes including Step, Pilates, Yoga, Circuit Training, Boxercise and Kettle Bells to name a few.  I have a wealth of experience in the fitness industry and have worked with people from all walks of life to help them achieve their desired goals not only in fitness but also in the phycological side of diet and exercise. Realising that eating habits can stem from so many different areas of life prompted me to become more interested in the psychological side of eating. Alongside my career as a personal trainer, I became a clinical hypnotherapist and health/Life coach.


    I have spent thousands of hours Personal Training clients over a 20 year period and there is nothing more fulfilling than helping people to live a happier life and achieve their fitness goals. Having the best possible mental and physical health will help you to perform better in all areas of your life.Home personal training is right for you if you feel that you don’t have enough time to head to the gym; don’t have the confidence to go to the gym; or would simply like a more personal one-on-one session


    My first port of call is to come along and meet you in person, there we will discuss in great length what your health and fitness goals are, we also discuss any injuries or issues that might be holding you back from achieving these goals. We will also take all measurements that you feel comfortable with this will include, body measurements as well as BMI. Body Fat, Visceral Fat ( inside the body ) How many calories your body needs at rest, for this I use the Orman Karada Scanner ( fancy scales )


    We then come up with a proper plan of action that I will help you convict using my Personal Training and coaching skills.


    If you would like to discuss in more detail do drop me a line or call